Monday, March 24, 2014

Review: Lush Full of Grace Face Facial Serum

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Everyone who knows me, knows I am a die-hard Lush fan.

Stemming from my childhood and being a severe eczema sufferer with extremely sensitive skin, Lush was one brand Mum knew she could use on me, be it soap, shampoo, conditioner or anything else, and I wouldn't break out in a rash. I remember that she used to get her friend who worked in the city to make a stop in at the Lush store to grab me supplies in the dozens! And to this day, Lush is a brand that I know and love, for their gentle and all-natural products that do not harm my skin.

Now I could go on all day, and have to some people..., about how much I appreciate Lush as a brand and its ethics and values. THEY ARE ANTI-ANIMAL TESTING! Just had to throw that in there! But what I really want to discuss today is just the Full of Grace Face Facial Serum.

This was a last-minute purchase at my last Lush haul. I noticed it just as I was about to pay. And I am so glad I did.

I have been using this little baby for about one week and am already head-over-heels in love with it!

There is no better way I can describe this than Lush does:

"Calm sensitive skin with our concoction of soothing tropical butters and mushrooms. Our Full of Grace serum bar is made with a concentrated blend of moisturising murumuru and cupacu butters to hydrate skin, and rose oil to relive irritations. We've also used portobello mushrooms for their plentiful vitamins and antioxidant property. The serum is easily absorbed by the skin, creating a soothing treatment for the face" -

And that is spot-on. This serum is ultra-hydrating and soothing on my dry and sensitive skin. It is super easy to use and apply. Like the Lush massage bars, you simply warm up the bar between your (clean) fingers to get some oil, and then massage into your face. A little bit of oil goes a long way, and the ingredients in this serum bar are so concentrated that you know a small amount gives you a plentiful dose of antioxidants.

I have used this every night since I bought it, just applying a tiny bit to my face, focussing on my t-zone area which is the most dry part of my face, right before I go to bed. In the morning my skin feels soft, plump and very soothed and rejuvenated. I very highly recommend this product. Like I said, I am a die-hard Lush fanatic and would love to review all of my Lush goodies and old-favourites, but I just had to share my first impressions on this little bar of awesomeness.

Order one online at the Lush store here. Or go in to your local store. You will not regret it!.

Image from

Love Chell

Twitter: @White_Chantelle
Instagram: Chell1993

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